Simple choose a seed and then customize to your heart’s content. When you’re looking for something a bit larger, this planet map generator helps you expand to a global scale. Upsides: Loads of customization, download of editable vector.

Azgaar has a great blog where he goes into detail about his process, and I’d encourage you to check it out. In-depth mapping generator that allows for a wide variety of themes and customization. Upsides: Unique maps that pay attention to realistic geologyĭownsides: Small images, no easy way to download high-resolution files. Be sure to follow the Uncharted Atlas Twitter account for new maps generated hourly. I highly recommend running through the whole tutorial to see how the process works. If you’re not picky, these are an excellent starting point. In-depth mapping generation focus on creating realistic and random landscapes. You’ll get a style that fits your book and you’ll avoid any licensing lawsuits.) (I highly recommend you hire an illustrator to redraw your map when you get to that point. Please note, most of these are fine for personal use, but you should check their licensing options if you plan on including these in your manuscript.

If you are not picky about your map but want a base to annotate consider one of these free map-generation tools.

They draw fan into your world-and while they’re not a requirement, they’ve become expected to some extent. How many times have we heard that from our fellow fantasy authors? It’s said when we discuss web design, book cover design, email marketing design, cover design, but it gets said most often when we discuss map designs for our various fantastical projects.